Sunday, August 17, 2008

Yoga for Self-Confidence

...tras, the first two limbs covered are Yama and Niyama, which are ethical codes of conduct.

The energy you put into your passion should always be positive and ethical, but be prepared for obstacles, as life is full of them. Obstacles build our character and make the journey interesting, but challenging.

How can Yoga help us discard feelings of guilt and self-doubt? Many of us live with guilty feelings for past deeds, but we cannot live in the past. If you have wronged someone, make it up to them or to their family.

If you have stolen something, return it, in a way that does not make the situation worse. Do the best you can do and stop wasting your life worrying about the past. A life lesson always contains value, but you must have insight to create a positive situation from it.

Guilt is a burden, which we create, but we are not required to carry it around for life. You must forgive yourself and try your best to forgive others. When you forgive yourself, and others, you gain freedom (Samadhi). Freedom from hate will become devotion (Bhakti) to higher causes and to God.

When you give to anyone, or to any charity, channel the posit...more

Weight Loss And Fitness With Yoga

...prove strength, posture, and flexibility, three important factors in doing any other exercise technique. They also enhance your metabolism because of muscle is built. The more muscles you develop, the more capable you are of burning calories, even at rest. Additionally, it is believed that yoga stimulates the thyroid gland, an organ directly responsible for affecting your body's metabolism. With better thyroid function, you increase your chances of effectively losing weight.<...more

Styles Of Yoga - Choosing The Correct Style For You

...marily focused on precise posture alignment, held for longer periods of time, along with mental discipline to experience the full benefits of yoga. Assistive props are frequently used to help hold the postures for beginners. Iyengar principles are used by other styles. Teachers undergo especially rigorous training and may also be certified in yoga therapeutics. The Iyengar style was developed by B.K.S. Iyengar.

Power: Aerobic, Vigorous.
Power yoga is a derivative of Ashtanga and is similar except the sequences may vary widely for each class, but they maintain the emphasis on strength and flexibility with breath, and are a bit less focused on alignment.more

Yoga Helps You Lower Blood Pressure

... All these lower blood pressure. Furthermore, these asanas slow down the pulse rate, so they lower blood pressure.

They are also helpful to lower blood pressure the sitting asanas, such as Upavista Konasana, which remove the tension from the ribs and the intercostals muscles, and also help you breathe easily. Many hypertensives have difficulties in breathing and these asanas help them in this matter and they also lower blood pressure.

Other helpful asanas are the supine poses, like Supta Baddhakonasana, which relax the abdominal region and have a calming effect...more

Ny Yoga Teacher Ray Greenberg