Monday, April 21, 2008

Easy Weight Loss With Hypnosis

One of the most common complaints people come to my clinical hypnosis practice with is weight. They want to lose some weight and become thinner. A lot of these people are eager to be thinner, but few of them want to do any work. Usually, these are people who have tried a lot of diets and for whatever reason, they cant quite lose weight or lose the weight they want.

Hypnosis is a very powerful technique for helping people like you lose weight easily and quickly. There is often stigma attached to hypnosis due to misunderstanding and mis-information, but hypnosis is an incredibly effective way to help with weight loss.

Weight gain is often due to excess eating and lack of exercise. The problem is, these are the symptoms of the problem and not the cause. The cause is hidden beneath the surface and almost every diet only addresses the surface symptoms and not the real cause.

The excessive eating and lack of exercise that causes weight gain is usually caused by emotional or mental issues. This could be a desire to hide yourself from the world and not be noticed, so you gain weight. It could be a desire to punish yourself for some real or imagine sin in the past. It could be almost anything, but it will be a mental or emotional cause.

Whilst you can lose some weight by dieting and increasing your exercise, you will find it difficult to keep the weight off unless you also address the psychological issues that initially caused the weight loss.

This is where hypnosis comes in to its own. Hypnosis helps to delve into your sub-conscious mind and resolve these issues that are causing the weight gain.

There are two ways of getting help with hypnosis.

Firstly, you can go to see a clinical hypnotist and have one on one sessions. These are very effective, though can be a bit costly. You need to make sure you find a hypnotist who is suitably qualified and professional. Typically, you wont need more than 5-8 sessions for permanent weight loss. If you are told you need more than that by a hypnotist then shop around a bit more. Personal recommendation is the best way to find a good clinical hypnotist.

The second option is much more affordable and available to everyone. You can use a weight loss hypnosis cd or mp3. Typically, these are based on the one to one sessions but are slightly more generic so more people can benefit from them. Music For Change has a number of these in both vocal hypnosis format and subliminal format.

Using both vocal and subliminal gives the most rapid effect. The vocal version guides you through a hypnosis session and is best listened to when you are not going to be disturbed. The subliminal version usually can be listened to anywhere, providing it doesnt have binaural beats in. If it has binaural beats then these speed up relaxation and shouldnt be listened to whilst driving or operating machinery.

Weight loss hypnosis mp3's really work well. One client of mine reported losing thirty pounds in a month just from listening to the subliminal CD whilst she drove to and from work each day. She found that her eating patterns started to change and she started to "think thin" rather than eat how she used to.

With weight loss hypnosis mp3's costing under ten dollars, they really are an affordable way to get the benefit of hypnosis into your life.

Jason E Johns is a clinical hypnotist specialising in weight loss. His weight loss hypnosis cd programs are based on his successful one to one sessions and are now available in downloadable mp3 format from Benefit from easy weight loss today with Music For Change and the Weight Control program.

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Does Obesity Require a Physical or Mental Solution?

Unhealthy Food Advertising

The fact that the US is currently suffering from an obesity epidemic is not just a random occurrence. How many dump trucks could be loaded with 100-dollar bills from money poured into unhealthy food advertisements? I would imagine quit a lot. There are several commercials advertising healthy food and fitness equipment, but by comparison they are almost negligible.

How Does Advertising Effect The Average Obese American?

I believe advertising has a huge effect on when we eat, why we eat, and what we eat. When I was obese, I made a startling discovery. Believe it or not, I ate even when I was not actually hungry. My body wasnt giving me signs such as my stomach growling, but my mind told me umm that would taste good! . When did my mind tell me that? Right after I saw an advertisement. So I ate when food was available or when I got a craving from an advertisement, not when I was actually hungry. This created a large problem. The number of calories I was eating was far greater than the amount that could be burned from a reasonable amount of exercise.

What Can I Do about it?

Television has become a large part of American culture and fast food advertisements are not going anywhere. We have to learn ways to deal with these advertisements. Below I have listed a few ways.

1. While watching your favorite shows, turn the channel when a commercial comes on (something were good at anyway).

2. Do a 5 minute exercise routine during commercial breaks.

3. Have a scale in your living room. When a commercial comes on, stand on it.

4. Watch TV with people who want you to loss weight.

5. Be creative! You can think of a lot more ways to preoccupy yourself during commercials.


You must have a physical and mental solution to attack obesity. A physical solution would be a way to burn more calories than you eat every day. Your mental solution would be how you will resist eating when youre not actually hungry.

Hello my name is Jay. I was obese for several years until I finally took action and lost a lot of weight. If you are as tired of being overweight as I was, then try my Free Weight Loss Exercise Program

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