Friday, August 8, 2008

Yoga for Relaxation

...erived of eight branches; yama (control and discipline), niyama (rules, methods and principle), asana (posture), pranayama (focused breathing), prathyahara(avoidance of undesirable action),dharana (concentration), dhyana (meditation) and samadhi (contemplation). In contrast, most contemporary yoga focuses on postures and uses breath work as a small component or an afterthought. Though admittedly, the current vision of yoga over-emphasizes asana, it is extremely important and has enormous benefits. The medically studied benefits of yoga include the following: Stress reduction, improved muscle strength and tone, increased energy and flexibility, improved balance and coordination and a reduction in depression. . Moving with Compassion

Through most of asana practice, we are unconsciously engaging in physical metaphor. Many yoga postures are named after and imitate the living world; tree pose, eagle pose, frog pose, cat pose. By developing postures that imitate the stance of animals, the vedic seers may have been seeking not only to embrace the qualities of these animals, but to formulate compassion for them. The way that compassion serves as a partner to yogas goal of liberation can be understood through reading the ancient yogic texts. Understand these vedas; whether they be the Rig Veda (knowledge of praise),Yajur-Veda (knowledge of sacrifice), Sama Veda (knowledge of chants), and Atharva-Veda(knowledge of atharvan), is likelier while deep in meditation. Understanding the vedic sutras, we are permitted to experience a bliss unknown through material grasping.

In this state everyday experiences fade away and a greater perspective unfolds. Over time, meditation also allows us to become more intuitive and receptive. This opens us up to others, enhancing our compassionate nature. This experience has been discussed by Eastern sacred-text expert H.P. Blavatskys in The Voice of the Silence. Blavatsky writes: Compassion is no attribute. IT is the LAW of LAWSeternal Harmony, Alayas SELF; a shoreless universal essence, the light of everlasting Right, and fitness of all things, the law of love eternal.

In order to experience compassion for others we must first extend it to ourselves. Straining too forcefully in a pose is counter to compassion. Why? yoga teaches us that we are all connected, so when we hurt ourselves this pain eventually reaches others. Instead we must strive for gentle self-acceptance, competing...more

The Secrets of Karma yoga to Obtain Your Life Goals tend to find it possible to live in the present, while you find it possible to plan for the future. Whatever planning you have for the future here has no connections whatsoever with the boundaries of the future.

Usually, any desire you have in life is fulfilled mainly because of the results you anticipate from them. This means that you are propelled to reaching your goals only because of the results you anticipate from it. You are propelled to reach the goal only in anticipation of the results.

However in karma yoga, you are not drawn to your goal for the results you expect from them. You learn to relinquish egotistic desires and thus become more open to practical aspects of inner guidance in your body. With this, you work with a cheerful and stress free attitude to reach your goal for you know that you are doing what you are best suited to do and are happy with ...more

Teaching yoga for Teen Stress Management - Establishing Bonds has many uses, but establishing family bonds is a valuable part of the practice. What should you do if the family ties between a parent and child were not so strong to start with? Sometimes, a parent and teen are complete strangers to each other.

For example: What if the family became separated, went through a divorce, if the children were brought up by a day care system, or if one of the parents was so career-oriented that family ties were not a priority? It is never too late to re-establish family ties, but there is much...more

Coping With Pregnancy Back Pain

...onal yoga teacher to know the safe and helpful asanas for her during the pregnancy. Many special maternity classes are conducted by the yoga professionals to teach yoga postures which are beneficial and easy to practice during pregnancy. Reportedly such exercises help in the process of normal delivery of the baby.

So, if you have back pain during pregnancy, do not consider it as a disease. Do consider it as a natural development, and try to meet it as a development in the natural course. Do not be stressed. Delivery is normal process of the creative force of the nature. So, there is nothing to worry as such about the back pain during pregnancy.more

Clarity The Online Yoga Magazine