Saturday, April 5, 2008

Keeping Your Water Safe From Contamination - The Plumbing Secret

When leaks develop in your water pipes it not only can be a major headache for you to have someone come and fix, but can also be the source of potential water contamination in your pipes. The pipes that carry your fresh water supply can be affected but so can the pipes that carry away the waste water from your home. Usually starting out as barely noticeable areas of dampness in your ceilings or on your walls that you may overlook in your daily living, some leaks can even go unnoticed for many weeks or even months. When you finally come across any sort of dampness or discoloration in your paint or wallpaper, do not hesitate or ignore it. This sort of thing could quickly lead to a problem in your water system that could bring contamination into your home and to your family.

water-borne diseases can wreak havoc on your familys health and all it takes to help prevent it is to visually inspect your homes water system once in awhile to make sure there are not any leaks. Any sort of leaks in your pipes or joints can allow contaminants to enter into your water supply system and infect your family with all manner of water-borne illnesses. Having your water supply contaminated will make it unsafe to drink and will require you to take immediate actions to clear it up.

Every year thousands of people end up in hospitals due to being exposed to contaminated water supplies within their homes. However, it is not only private homes that are at risk of water supply contamination; businesses and public institutions such as hospitals and seniors homes are often the site of water contamination problems. Sometimes the problem is contaminated drinking water supply and other times it is a problem with airborne contaminants brought on by mildew and mould created by the leaks dampness. It cannot be stated strongly enough that many of these water problems can be prevented by simply taking the time to inspect your water supply to make sure it is safe.

Apartment Living at Its Finest

People who live in apartments have a different sort of problem than anyone who owns their own home. It is not always easy for apartment dwellers to inspect the water supply system in the building, as it is far more complex and extensive than the system of pipes in a normal home. However, if you happen to notice any sort of difference in the way your water tastes or looks (discolored or smelly water is never a good sign) get in touch with your buildings superintendent with your concerns.

A great many apartment buildings in the country are older and have ancient water systems, some even still using lead pipes. The water that comes out the tap end of the system is only as good as the pipes it flows through and so if the pipes are old it is probably a pretty safe bet that they are dangerously contaminated and its only a matter of time before the diseases are passed along through the pipes.

It is important that you report any water problems quickly to your buildings superintendent so that he will remedy the impending contaminant situation. The longer you wait to have something done about the problem, the more likely, that you will soon start to notice yourself or your family members not feeling well and having trouble staying healthy. It is much easier to fix water supply problems when they are small and caught early on. If left unattended the contamination will only spread and it will grow rapidly, quickly becoming a danger not only to you and your family, but also to every other person who lives in the same building.

You can also find more info on Plumber Contractor and Plumbing Repair. is a comprehensive resource to known about plumbing.

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Helpful Information About Lap Band Surgery And Adjustable Gastric Band Surgery

The adjustable gastric banding surgeries, including Lap Band surgery, is a form of restrictive weight loss surgery designed for obesity patients with a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or greater or between 35 and 40 for those who have conditions that are known to improve with weight loss. The Swedish adjustable gastric band differs greatly from the Lap-Band because it wasn't designed for use with keyhole laparoscopic surgery. An American company, INAMED Health, designed the BioEnterics LAP-BAND Adjustable Gastric Banding System, which was originally introduced in Europe in 1993.

If someone has a dependency on alcohol or drugs, they won't be eligible for adjustable band surgery. And mentally disabled or emotionally unstable people won't be considered for lap band surgery. However failure of dietary or weight-loss drug therapy for more than one year can make one eligible for the adjustable gastric band procedure.

Inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract like ulcers, esophagitis or Crohn's disease do not make someone a good candidate for lap band surgery. In general, gastric banding, including the Lap Band procedure and weight loss system, is indicated for people whose Body Mass Index is above 40, or those who are 100 pounds (45 kg) or more over their estimated ideal weight according to the 1983 Metropolitan Life Insurance Tables or those between 30 to 40 with co-morbidities which may improve with weight loss (those are: blood pressure, diabetes, sleep apnea, and arthritis).

During surgery the surgeon uses a specialized needle to avoid damage to the port membrane. Compared to other weight loss surgeries gastric dumping syndrome problems do not occur in lap band surgeries because no intestines are removed or re-routed. When fluid is introduced into the stomach the lap band expands, placing pressure around the outside of the stomach and this decreases the size of the passage in the stomach and restricts the movement of food.

Lap band or gastric band placement, unlike the traditional malabsorptive weight loss surgery (called Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery, and the biliopancreatic and duodenal switch) does not cut or remove any part of the digestive system. There are many port designs and they may be placed in various positions based on the preference of the lap band surgeon. Unlike those who have procedures such as Roux -en -y gastric bypass surgery, duodenal switch or biliopancreatic diversion, it's unusual for gastric band patients to experience nutritional deficiencies or malabsorption of any micronutrients.

Many doctors make the first adjustment between six to eight weeks after surgery to allow for the stomach - time to heal. After that the 'fills' are performed as needed. The patient may be prescribed a liquid-only diet, followed by soft foods and then solid foods for a specified length of time. Each surgeon and manufacturer will have their own orders and specifications. And during pregnancy, deflation should be considered if morning sickness is experienced.

The initial weight loss in gastric banding is slower than with Roux-en-y gastric bypass surgery but statistics indicate that over a five year period the weight loss outcome is very similar. The amount of weight lost during the months after surgery will depend on the individual and their personal circumstances, their motivation, and mobility.

Other complications of adjustable gastric band surgery include ulceration and irritated stomach tissue. A common occurrence for lap band patients is regurgitation of the non-acidic swallowed food from the upper pouch, which is commonly known as productive burping. And this is not normal.

Occasionally, the narrow passage into the lower part of the stomach may become blocked by a large portion of food that has not been chewed. Other adjustable gastric band post-surgery complications that can occur are: abdominal pain, loss of strength, infection, fever, hernia, pain, chest pain, incisional infection, incision pain, and even death.

Before you undergo any lap band weight loss surgery or adjustable gastric band procedure, get fully informed by your doctor or lap band or gastric band surgeon. Make sure if you're traveling away from home for surgery to consider the travel time and related travel expenses for both the surgery and follow-up appointments. Please be aware that lap band surgery or adjustable band surgery can have some serious adverse effects and complications. You may want surgery closer to home in the event you need to make numerous trips due to these complications.

For more information on lap band weight loss surgery and lap band surgery complications visit a nurse's website offering tips and information on lap band surgery, adjustable gastric band surgery, medical travel for low cost lap band surgery and cost of lap band surgery

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