Thursday, August 21, 2008

Styles Of Yoga - Choosing The Correct Style For You

...s and your overall condition (Pre/Post natal, injuries, medical concerns). An attempt has been made to differentiate the styles from one another for comparison sake, however all styles have much in common.

Hatha: Good All-Around Approach.
Hatha Yoga is the most popular form of Yoga. Usually a Hatha Yoga class is a good entry into learning the postures and starting a practice and is not particularly aligned with any specialized style described elsewhere in this guide. Hatha Yoga classes are generally thought to be a gentler than others. Many locally taught classes will fit into this category, as well as ones taught in Gyms, Healthclubs and Adult schools.

Ashtanga: Aerobic, Vigorous.
The Ashtanga Yoga style features several set sequences of postures, flowing at a vigorous pace, designed to build flexibility strength and stamina. Practitioners synchronize their breat...more

What is Yoga?

... text and of oneself, and isvarapranidhama or living with an awareness of the divine.

Asanas or physical poses are the third limb. Asanas are designed to bring strength, vitality and relaxation to every bodily system.

Pranayama, or breathing exercises, encompass the fourth limb. Through disciplined regulation of the breath-the duration of inhalation, retention and exhalation, one strengthens and cleanses the nervous system. The result is increased life-force and a calmer mind.

The fifth limb is prathayara or withdrawal of the senses. One's focus goes inward, losing awareness of what is going on outside of oneself.

Dharana, or concentration is the sixth limb. One ...more

How to Use Yoga to Alleviate Stress

...ns. As we release physical blockages, toxins, and limitations from the body we also do so in mind, spirit, and emotions.

The Specific Poses Recommended will be the

-Sun Salutations

-The ShoulderStand

-The Corpse Pose

These three in particular are often recommended in several drug-free fraternities as being THE poses of stress relief.

So When next you feel overwhelmed with lifes demands, stress, or just need a pick-me-up from lethargy, it wont hurt to do some Yoga. It wont hurt and will definitely help to rectify the situation.

In Friendship,more

Weight Loss Through Yoga

... news. The bad news is that its not necessarily clear whether the results of the study show a cause and effect between practicing yoga and losing weight. One of the co-authors of the study, Alan Kristal, believes that the weight loss cannot be attributed to the caloric burn of yoga practice.

"Except for very strenuous yoga practices, you don't really burn enough energy to make any difference in terms of weight," said Kristal. Rather, Kristal believes that by putting people more in tune with...more

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