Saturday, March 22, 2008

Quit Smoking: Why People Do Bad Things (Even When They Know They Shouldn't)

Do you do Bad Things? Even though you know you shouldn't?

It's not your fault. It really isn't. You know you should stop doing it, but no matter how much you know that, and how much you try, you just can't stop!

Everyone knows how to lose weight. Don't eat fattening foods. Exercise. Everyone knows how to give up smoking. Dont light the cigarette. Yet having this knowledge just isn't enough. Sometimes even having the desire isn't enough! Time and again I hear about people who get really close to quitting smoking. They can get all the way down to one or two cigarettes a day, but just can't give up those last two. many even make it all the way down to zero, but the cravings, oh the cravings! They are wretched, those cravings. most will go back to smoking within the first few days. They can cut away most of the "stuff" that keeps them glued to the cigarettes, even not be addicted to nicotine anymore(!), but there is just something deep in their core that magnetically pulls them back in, like two lovers who know they are bad for each other but just can't help themselves.

What is this thing? What is at this core?

Let me take a step back for a moment. How many adults do you know who are happy? I mean really, truly happy? Think that question is foolishness? Let me ask you this. How many people do you know who love their work? I'm talkin' jump out of bed in the morning, can't wait to start. Sadly, the percentage is very small. Why is this?

We live in an interesting quick-fix culture. People don't really have to deal with their issues. We've got:

* television
* movies
* shopping
* toys
* and hitting the gym

to distract us and make us feel better. Even more than that, many people's issues are quite buried. Think of dreams that were squashed when we were young. "An artist? You could never make a living at that! You should be a doctor!" People often forget what their dreams once were.

As a result, I see an awful lot of unhappy, unfulfilled people walking around. They don't know what is bothering them, they just have that gnawing feeling that there must be more. Advertisers pray on this, selling us more and more bottles and gizmos to give us that ever elusive Happiness.

True inner needs? People either:

* think they're impossible to fulfill
* are too scared and resigned to fulfill them
* or are so disassociated from those needs that they don't even know what they would be even if they had to guess!

All those "bad" things -- smoking, overeating, gambling, alcohol, the list goes on and on -- are easy ways to fill the void. Smokers will be able to relate to this one -- if you've just had a fight with your family, what do you do? You go for a smoke. Smoking makes it feel like the problem goes away. (I call this the "smokescreen." Har har!)

I'll let you in on a little secret--the real reason it's so hard to quit is not the nicotine. It's this void-filling. When you quit smoking (or any bad habit), you're suddenly faced with real life. All those stresses and needs that you've been avoiding? There they are, pulling at your coat tails, yelling, "Pay attention to me! Pay attention to me!" If you got in touch with your real inner needs and took baby steps to start fulfilling them, you would actually have little desire for cigarettes. It's true! I see it happen time and again in my Stop Smoking Coaching practice.

How do you do that, you ask? Here are some baby steps that you can start trying out now:

* Next time, instead of taking that quick fix--stop.
* Have a little quiet time and listen to what your insides have been trying to tell you.
* Try journaling -- don't edit your thoughts, just write.
* Some people find meditation and yoga to be great accesses.
* Try deep breathing.
* Go for a quiet, leisurely walk by yourself.
* Personally, I find it easiest to just start noticing where in life I seem to be avoiding things the most, or if I want something more immediate and active, doing a mindmap (a word drawing) to figure out what I'm really thinking.

For each person, the key to figuring out your needs is different. play around with it, don't give up! You'll be glad you did!

Jill Binder is The Stop Smoking Coach with a 90 day program to show people the 8 steps to quitting smoking forever, with a 100% success rate. She is the author of "What's Your Smoking Type?" and has appeared on "Daytime" (TV), "Radioactive women" (Radio), "Good Times" (magazine), and "Metro toronto Today" (newspaper).

You can sign up for her newsletter, "YourTurn - Turn Your Weaknesses Into Your Perfect Life" at

Comnation Yoga Pilates Videos

How to Heal Yourself With Inner Alignment

Do you think you have the power within you to heal yourself?

Whatever healing ability you think you have is only the tip of the iceberg.

How can I say that with such confidence? Because the mind, no matter how expanded, is still not big enough to hold the infinite power that moves through the body as life force. And that life force can heal you. It wants to heal you. And for life force, healing is effortless.

So, whether you believe in your ability to heal from within or you doubt it, life force does not care. It is there, ready to fix what is broken, to balance what is off balance, to correct what is distorted, and to ease what is tangled. It is ready to heal you.

What is Healing?

Since many people mean many different things when they use the word healing, I'd like to define it very clearly for our purposes. When I speak of healing, I am talking about a journey that leads to joy. It is a journey to wholeness that is fast and sure because it travels the road of "now." It stays responsive to the uniqueness of the moment and it rides the waves of life with skill, dignity, and agility. The destination? Joyful harmonious expressiveness.

In fact, I have become so fond of the phrase "joyful harmonious expressiveness" as a statement for the destination of the healing journey, that I have created the word j-h-e or jhe as a replacement for the word health.

Why Alignment?

In order for jhe to be your experience, life force must have a clear pathway to flow through your system. The most natural and expedient way to allow life force to flow for the purpose of jhe is to bring yourself into alignment.

You are built in such a way that there are avenues of flow for this energy. These avenues exist on the physical level as well as on the energetic level.

To bring your physical structure into alignment for the purpose of healing, we have the chiropractic adjustment.

To bring your energy body into alignment for the purpose of jhe, we have inner alignment exercises and jhe sessions.

Here is an inner alignment exercise you can begin doing right now. This will set the stage for more advanced inner alignment practices you may explore in the future. Exercise:

1 - sit upright on your chair or meditation cushion.

2 - with closed eyes, feel a beam of light running vertically though the center of your body. Imagine that this beam of light also runs through the center of the earth. Adjust your posture so that you are effortlessly aligned with this silent beam of light.

3 - Now feel the horizontal surface you are sitting on. Feel the perfect perpendicular set up by the beam of light and the horizontal surface. Bring yourself into resonance with the stability of that perpendicular energy structure. Feel yourself relax into a greater upright posture with less and less effort s a result of your heightened alignment.

4 - Know that every small increment of alignment contributes exponentially to the ease with which life force flows through you. Know that every slight increase in the flow of life force exponentially expands your jhe.

5 - offer gratitude for how easy it is to come into alignment and for how abundant is the flow of life force.

This is a simple exercise that can provide you with tremendous movement if done regularly.

Never underestimate the power of your own ability to heal from within. Remember, however you understand your ability to heal, it is only the tip of the iceberg.

To receive Dr. Rebbie Straubing's inner alignment sessions, please sign on to the jhe list at You can learn a full system of inner alignment in the book "Rooted in the Infinite: The Yoga of Alignment" Get a Free Download of the beginning of the book at

Ananda Yoga Teacher Training Faq

Destiny of Man's Consciousness in the Age of Rationalism

What is destiny of man? Or what is destiny of humanity? There are several answers suggested by philosophers but very few could answer it correctly. Philosophies of infinity declare that mans destiny should not be less than his absolute freedom. Freedom not in relative term rather freedom from all relative phenomena. These philosophies were not meditated from the point of man as desiring being rather from the point of being as pure and eternal. Mans destiny thus is not to satisfy only desires rather to realize some more important truths of life. But philosophies of modern age declare another truth and decided another destination for humanity to achieve and it was desire. Desire became the sacred philosophical truth which bore the seed of modernity. And the epistemology that narrated the philosophy of desire was rationalism.

This great narrative of desire which was narrated from the reason took many turns, this time is has incarnated in the form of philosophy of post modernism. In the history of western thought philosophy of desire had always been central theme, it was necessary for every philosopher to make it central point of investigation. Reason which is always contradictory became mans light. This reason which narrates the desire was/is desire itself. It dismantled very thing which did not supported it. Desire is blind, it sees nothing accept desire. Thus all religions and religious philosophies became obscure, irrational, speculations; rationalism which declared hitherto existed everything irrational and speculations was itself speculative from the very beginning . Started with Rene Descartes to till now, the philosophers of rationalism are speculating.

Science too which is based on the rationalist philosophy speculated not less and still is speculating however they declare that their theories are solely based on concrete observations. For example the concept of atom propagated by Vaisheshik philosophy was just speculation but the same thing when invented later by Dalton it became science. Though Dalton could not provided any proof other than a speculative hypothesis that there is a smallest particle in the matter called atom which later declared wrong since there were uncountable particles. Till today, science is speculating about the root of the matter, recently they have speculated that there is a phenomenon in the heart of the matter and thus cosmos, called string; on which everything is based. And this string is floating in time and space, it is both outside and inside, it is a kind of absolute element, from which everything is formed or which forms everything. But a symbolic expression of philosophies of infinity in this regard is useless and just an irrational idea. Einstein in his hypothetical journey once speculated that presence of mass curves space gravity is a property of space but before his death he declared that space has devoured ether and time; it seems to be on the point of swallowing up also the field and corpuscles, so that it alone remains as the vehicle of reality. But when a Vedanta philosopher says that space is primary element in the material phenomena it becomes speculation.

The rationalist- empiricist philosophy which is solely based on rational categorization of things, on sign system, on system of unity destroyed the very human endeavor to jump in the truth infinite. system of knowledge which was earlier free wandering in the matter of things became so rational and closed that it lost its inner wisdom. Rationalisms sole concern was not to take any flight rather to structuralize things, situations, events etc in order to hold power. Its major philosophical concern was to exploit people in the name of progress.

In all this progress of science and society, man was no where only there were concepts in which mans destiny was captured. Mans consciousness which he brought with him became a subject to be governed and all this was done with the political concept of common of rationalists. Man was bolted in the mechanism of common beyond it he has no individuality. Man is man through the common. The day this concept of common came into existence man lost his very freedom to think and meditate. It was Hobbes who formulated it first in his book Leviathan. He was the first rational political philosopher who said that, in the beginning, before the formation of society there was war (and it was for sex and material gain) to get rid of this bloody situation of war in which each was against each one; they came to form a common; a contract that from now on we are bound by a law of common. Of which king became head in which absolute sovereignty resided, no one could transcend his absolute sovereign power of law making and enforcing.

Since than, the theory of common is in practice, no political theory raised any question on the metaphysics of common in which man is destined to suffer. Since Hobbes, all the political theories only upgraded his theory, only refined it and made it more and more complex. Even most acclaimed revolutionary political theory of Marx too could not go beyond Hobbes. Only Heidegger raised question regarding reasons authenticity he said, the domination of intellect and logic has to be broken in order that we may raise question concerning being and nothingness. He contemplated on the relationship between man and every man (common). In being and time he said, the dictatorship of every man might be seen as a conservative, unimaginative narrow minded, and conformist way of endorsing a common cultural background, in which one identifies oneself entirely with traditional stereotype role. He too could not think beyond common though he was against mans rational positioning in the common. He says that one should learn to be responsible for oneself within the matrix of the common. Thus man can not free himself from the commonality of the common. But the Common which was formed as a system of law, in its later phase of evolution transformed in to a mechanism, of which there was a goal.

This goal, which was attributed to the common, was not of people who formed it rather of those who got hold on production mechanism. Thus the common got a goal that in its later development became universal. The goal which was set forth for the common was not any ideal or any virtue or any higher goal like liberation or moksha rather to produce. Production of materials and things related to materialism became the highest goal of common other than this what ever was existed became irrelevant. There is no pursuit of truth, if there is; it should be productive to the mechanism of production. This mechanism of production which is a movement of consciousness of self-interested rationalists, in which comes industrialists and philosophers, poets, cultural thinkers associated to it; is solely based on metaphysics of desire. Desire is the moving force of the production mechanism, in which desire is produced, things of desire is produced even culture of desire is also produced. In this production of desire man is transformed into a little beast, having lost his individuality, his freedom of consciousness; he dreams nothing other than the things of desire. This is the reason that there is no philosophy of dream, no literature of solitude, and no art which reveals mystery.

Philosophy of desire became the enemy of goodness and godliness. In it every thing is bound by desire; it is the soul of all living beings. It is the soul of art and culture which has come to an end with the revolutionary appearance of culture industry. Mans consciousness which have lost its freedom has become common consciousness; the consciousness directed towards the goal to produce the humanity of sex and war. Mans consciousness in the movement of common consciousness neither dances nor sings, if he dances and sings it is because of his business; all sacred values are considered marketable and productive. Man has been dehumanized, objectified, and rationalized in the dynamic of materialist production. In the dynamic of production man is constructed, his subjectivity is defined and re-defined. Through out history mans subjectivity has always been displaced, located, shifted from one system of production mechanism to another.

Is there any option other than the dynamic of materialist production which has now become universal concept of progress, in which man does not exist? When will man find his natural dwelling? When the set meaning of being in the world will change? Is being in the world is being through dynamic of materialist production? Isnt Heideggers suggestion a relevant one in this regard, that man should find an authentic condition of his existence in order to achieve the ideal of being authentically oneself. The ideal of being authentically oneself is what the ideal of Vedanta philosophy is. And later Vedanta as taught in Bhagvata Gita provides complete authentic condition for man to achieve his goal, which he can achieve without losing anything.

Karma yoga opens highway for humanity to reach its goal but without any accident, without any suffering. Rationalists think that there is no philosophy other than objective rationalism in which desire finds its eminence. Because they do say that all philosophies of infinite turn their face towards asceticism. These thinkers never come across the theory of karma yoga and Indian tantrik philosophies in which desire is not discarded rather is being put in a proper plane of idealist discourse. Desire is considered divine in Gita, the teacher of Gita says, desire is myself i.e. of the nature of truth itself; but only that desire which does not violate the law of Rit -the dharma underlying all phenomena.(dharma viruddhokamosmi).

In Buddhist Mahayana tantricism desire and passion is being considered as a path to realization of ultimate truth-Sunyata. In Indian philosophies desire has been regarded most important aspect of humans and it was never repressed as in the case of Christianity. In Christianity it is sin because of which man has fallen from the heaven but in Hindu philosophies it is desire when raised spiritually causes liberation.

But alas! Real question of materialist philosophers is not that that desire is not finding its eminence rather how desire could find a proper plane in their discourse of exploitation. Rationalist discourses on life never provided any solution for man. What they provided throughout the ages is the discourses of exploitations; this that how man could be enchained. How mans dignity and freedom of consciousness could be placed in the proper plane of materialist production machinery but not in materialist discourse since they know this that it can take a leap( it too can be dangerous for them). And in this they succeeded but since man can not live with bread only, every time they face problem from mans inner fluttering for liberation. This is why they go on philosophizing, creating bunch of philosophies.

Capitalist production machinery is spending a lot of money to produce a solution to the basic human problem of freedom but under the mechanism of common only. But they dont understand that reason can not provide any solution to humanity since it is divided and confused. Reason can not see the complete truth in its entirety. This is the reason that throughout its history it has a tendency to return back to theologies for support. Reason has destroyed all possibilities of mans leaping into unknown realities. It has destroyed the tradition of philosophizing the questioning of extra ordinary as Nietzsche have said. The philosophies of reason have always organized things, made arrangements, fitted man in a situation from where he could not escape. The whole history of rationalism shows that it has never had any holy purpose; it was vicious from the very outset, since than, when it rejected the very tendency of peoples questioning about infinity. It rejected mans quest for timeless value, a timeless truth not from the rational point of view rather from the sake of rejecting itself since it never fully took the systematic rational approach.

For instance, the approach of scientific experimentation is based on the to see the truth in the laboratory through physical means only, if any said truth is not tested in laboratory or through any physical testing mechanism it is bluntly declared false. Truth must be seen in microscope since only than it could be utilized, could be usable, could be made for production. Everything sublime was thus destroyed for the sake of materialist production. Though these philosophies of infinity were always helpful in providing humanity some immortal values as for as humanity as such is concerned. For materialist production mechanism these philosophies had been useful throughout the ages and still it is, but now some postmodernist want to destroy the remaining ties too. Because they want to make humanity utterly material, the materially refined man, a man-machine even they want to open factories where subjectivities would be produced.

In producing mechanical subjectivities culture would play the most important role as it played in history. Marxists have used it in their struggle against capitalism. This question of culture is most important regarding society of control and on this issue Theodore Adorno has fought most remarkable war against capitalist ideologues. Being Marxist he was always in the favor of autonomy of culture since he wanted to save mans being: pure and authentic. When he was invited by one American researcher of American Traditions of Applied Social Research Mr. Paul Lazaesfeld to help in his research on the relations between culture and policy, he refuted his request remarking that, culture is opposed to administration. Culture would like to be higher and more pure, something untouchable which can not be tailored according to any tactical or technical considerations.

In educated language, this line of thought makes reference to the autonomy of culture. Popular opinion even takes pleasure in associating the concept of personality with it. Culture is viewed as the manifestation of pure humanity without regard for its functional relationships within society. Against his approach to culture Researcher Mr. Paul reacted that Adorno should aspire to greater empirical precision, that culture might be precisely that condition that excludes a mentality capable of measuring it. Thus the capitalist intellectuals want to exclude people (those who can raise any question) from the field of culture in order to control them through the culture itself. New destiny of man is machine and he is becoming. All philosophies which advocate mans freedom through a system are administrative philosophies and are aspiring towards absolute power therefore are against man. When most sublime aspect of humanity is structured, becomes organizational, territorial, productive, and mechanical than know that man is dead. In this dark age of mechanical production of mans consciousness there is only light; to raise questions and wage a war against those criminals of humanity, who having lost all hopes in the divine play of life want to play the game of war and sex.

Author is an art critic and writer of three books 'contemporizing Buddha', ' Hindu Tantra Yoga' and 'Concerning The spiritual In Art-an Indian modern art perspective'. He has been awarded with 'Lalit kala Academy Scholarship Award' for art criticism in 2005. Currently working on a book 'Buddhist tantra yoga'. He lives and works in Delhi india.

Home Yoga Positions

Indoor Soccer to go High Tech

One of the newest trends in the world of soccer is the high-tech indoor soccer stadiums. They are used for all year around play without regard to seasonality. many of these stadiums are owned by companies, which lease or rent them out to the teams. The business model is quite profitable and some markets have more than one company with more than one facility each. These companies also sell items such as soccer balls, refreshments and video play back services. They also often have automatic kicking machines for practice like those used in tennis or for batting training in baseball.

Since these soccer arenas are indoors and climate controlled I propose that we take the coaching and training to a much higher level. I propose that we incorporate Holographic Technologies, which are getting closer to becoming reality, and use them to teach soccer techniques. Imagine the benefits to coaching if you took some of the greatest plays in world cup soccer and allowed the kids to replay them. Setting up the holographic 3D images to move in full motion video on the field.

first you would put an athlete next to each of the players and then run the projection as the athletes matched them stride for stride and step for step, aligning themselves to confront the opponent by moving with the hologram into position and taking the shot or defending the goal. The athletes and players would learn emensly by watching and playing along side the greats. And all this is nearly possible. By using special coatings on the artificial grass to help the projection reflection it could be done quite easily. Think on this new technology and what it means for youth soccer.

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