Friday, April 11, 2008

The History Of Self Hypnosis

We all know that self hypnosis comes about through a self-induced hypnotic state, which achieves contact with the subconscious mind by means of self suggestion. The need to attain this state is of utmost importance, since through it many psychological problems can be tapped and corrected. The self-hypnotic induction of positive suggestions to the subconscious mind washes away the frustrations that are centered there, and replaces them with vibrant feelings of self-confidence, courage and self-mastery.

Self hypnosis, through the medium of self suggestion, can relieve the pains and fears of childbirth. It is also useful in many other areas, such as relieving people of such unpleasant habits such as nail biting and smoking, not to mention more major annoyances like insomnia or alcoholism, that, unfortunately, plague such a high percentage of our population today.

Ideas are important, positive ideas or suggestions are more important, but positive suggestions, transferred to the subconscious mind during the self hypnotic state, are most important, since they can sure ills that, otherwise, could neither be solved nor approached without subtle influences of self hypnosis.

There has, up to now, been very little written on the subject of self hypnosis. In fact, it is only in the last ten years or so that it has gained popularity. In the early days of hypnosis, the therapists sought to achieve directly the deep somnambulistic state. Starting with Dr. H. Bernheim (1840-1919), the founder of Nancy School of Hypnotism, who was the preceptor of Sigmund Freud, an exciting new technique was developed. He sought first to arrive at the more superficial layers of cataleptic states before attempting to achieve the ultimate state of hypnosis. through this process, results were achieved more deliberately, and more effectively than ever before, since, through this procedure, the hypnosis achieved was of deeper quality than known before.

It was from Dr. Bernheim's experiments that now famous Dr. Emile Coue developed the practice of auto suggestion. His famous words, "Day by day, in every way, I am getting better and better", have made his name a household word throughout the whole world.

At this point, I think it is necessary to differentiate between self hypnosis and auto suggestion, because they are not at all the same. In self hypnosis, the subjects contacts the subconscious mind, while in auto suggestion, he does not reach the subconscious mind at all. The superiority of self hypnosis to auto suggestion now becomes obvious. The levels of their effect differ considerably; one is superficial, the other is deep.

An average person uses positive language on a daily basis not realizing how closely this is allied to the practice of hypnosis. It is also true that we use auto suggestion in our daily affairs, without being aware of it.

Milos Pesic is a professional hypnotist who runs a highly popular and comprehensive Self Hypnosis web site. For more articles and resources on Hypnosis related topics, self hypnosis, weight loss hypnosis, stop smoking hypnosis, hypnosis scripts and much more visit his site at:


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Newest Grand Theft Auto Games

As soon as news of a new Grand Theft Auto Game became reality and the San Andreas edition finally became available on the market the world of internet car games changed for good.

The new Grand Theft Auto game, San Andreas, was released on the market in its ps2 version in late 2004 in North America, Europe and Australia and in early 2007 in Japan. The Xbox and Windows versions were released in 2005. Although it is similar in structure to the previous Grand Theft Auto game, the San Andreas is larger than life in possibilities. The game now covers a whole state consisting of three different cities: Los Santos which corresponds to Los Angeles, Las Venturas modeled after Las Vegas and San Fierro which is the virtual equivalent of San Francisco in this new Grand Theft Auto game.

The characters can now walk, jump, run, climb as well as swim and there is a much wider list of weapons available to the player. Now that the potential for violence and crime has been raised considerably the authorities are more specialized: the minor infractions are still handled by the police, but when a crime is committed the military, the FBI and the SWAT teams take over. The list of vehicles that you can use seems endless. From sports cars to trucks, limousines and tanks, busses, coaches, helicopters or airplanes, you will certainly fin your favorite means of transportation here.

The beauty of the new Grand Theft Auto game is that a player can choose to simply disregard the missions and just go driving around the city, swimming in the ocean or flying a helicopter. This pleasure cruise, however, will not help him advance to the next level of difficulty of the game or earn him any points. In addition to the missions, this Grand Theft Auto game also offers numerous minigames that you can play at your leisure: pool, basketball, video games and even gambling.

Complete with amazing graphics, this new Grand Theft Auto game is sure to provide you with countless hours of wicked fun.

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