Friday, July 11, 2008

How To Choose The Best Yoga Videos

...bal instructions, but the demonstrations are unclear then your video is no better than a book on yoga.

Next, there should be easy modifications offered in the best yoga videos. yoga can be difficult, so beginners to it may frequently need modifications to their practice so that they can understand even that which they cannot complete. No matter what your ability level may be, you want your video to be able to apply to you. Once you buy a video, it should be of use to you at every stage as you progress further into yoga. Choose a video that will grow with you.

Teaching Qualilty

In a quality video, the yoga should be taught in a student centered manner. Though that seems like it should go without saying, you will see a number of yoga videos that are just a fancy way of showing off the instructors ability in yoga. Such videos do little if any good and in many cases may even be counterproductive for you. The idea of having the yoga video is to help your development, not to put you in awe of someone elses le...more

Stress Management Tips

...oes. During sleep, your body is resting and recovering from all the work is has done throughout the day. Your serotonin levels are brought back in line, your muscles relax, and mind is allowed to clear itself in preparation for the next day. If you are not getting the proper amount of sleep, you will notice it in a physical way. While there is no magic number, usually between six and eight hours a night is appropriate. If you have difficulty getting to sleep, before you climb into bed, try yoga, listening to ...more

Isn't it Time to Try Kundalini Yoga?

... releasing a special energy we all possess unawares.

In Kundalini yoga, the special energy is likened to a powerful serpent lying asleep at the base of the spine. But practitioners can awaken the powerful serpent with the use of Kundalini techniques, releasing almost unimaginable energy.

How Its Done

In Kundalini yoga, you'll combine classic poses, meditation, chanting or mantras, and also coordinate your breath and movement. In this yoga, the serpent that represents energy is said to lie asleep at the base of your spine, coiled and dormant. Specifically, this region is located in the perineum area of the body. That is, it lies between...more

Stages Of Mind- How To Know If The Mind Is Ready For yoga

...ed Will, then he is Self-controlled and can effectively practice yoga. This stage corresponds to activity on the buddhic plane.

By a study of your own mind, you can find out how far you are ready to begin the definite practice of yoga. If you find yourself possessed by a single thought, you are nearly ready for Yoga; it leads to the next stage of one-pointedness.

The step from one-pointedness to complete control is short, having reached that stage, it is comparatively easy to pass into: Samadhi a state of trance in which the mind is fully conscious, though the body is insensitive<...more

Yoga Hmmm Houston Tx