Thursday, May 15, 2008

Yoga vs Gym Workouts - Which is Better?

...Can wilmington Yoga replace going to the gym?

Even the most enthusiastic "yogi" will tell you that yoga doesn't do it all for them -claiming that they feel the strongest and healthiest when they combine yoga with high intensity cardiovascular and weightlifting exercise.

For most people, a solid yoga session is more beneficial than the "typical gym workout", which looks a little something like this...

Spend 30 minutes getting ready, making sure I look cute. Look myself up and down in the mirror. Take a deep breath before entering the loud, busy gym. Swipe my card on the machine. Compare myself to everyone else around me. Wait 5 minutes for this loud and obnoxious man to get off the machine on my checklist. Ok. Thigh Adductor Machine- 15reps. Check. Thigh Abductor Machine- 15 reps. Check. Ok. I see where this is going. Next machine...

Just imagine how disappointed you would be after going through this routine for months, only to see that your efforts produced little to negative results. So, here are 5 truths that will help you achieve that lean and taut body you desire in less time...

1. The Benefits of Yoga

The two most effective benefits of yoga are increasing ...more

Obtain Better Health With Yoga to the way they should be, they improve blood circulation, align the spine and head, energize the main organs in the body and relax you. These exercises were designed to balance the various doshas or elements in the body and it is done by the stimulation of the glands that produce these doshas. Certain asanas are specific to certain ailments.

Then you have Pranayama which takes its name from the Sanskrit prana which means life energy and ayam which means control. So what it is essentially is the control of your breath. Prana is very akin to the vital energy of homeopathy or the chi referred to in traditional Chinese medicine. What pranayama does is to remove blockages in the system that have come about thanks to toxins, stress, bad diet or any kind of negative influence. These can be harmful not only in a physical way but mentally and spiritually as well. This breathing to g...more

Yoga Teachers Lead by Example (Part 2)

... students are attending your Yoga classes, they are already impressed, so there is no need to turn your Yoga studio into a circus act.

If someone does not practice Yoga, or is not a vegetarian, please do not bolster your ego over the issue. Do not engage in hostile debates over these issues. There is a time, place, and method for convincing people about health issues, but hostility will not convince anyone.

Bias and discrimination are hard habits to break. Sometimes, these ideas exist within families for generations. Yoga teachers should accept students, regardless of race, religion, gender, ethnic origin, age, social status, or any other reason we can find to be unjustifiably bias.

In the case of age - children who are too young may have...more

The Many Benefits of Yoga benefits include:
- enhanced somatic and kinesthetic awareness
- self-acceptance
- self-actualization
- social skills
- well-being
- concentration
- memory
- attention
- mood
- learning efficiency
- and more

As for the biochemical benefits of yoga, tests have shown improvements in:
- glucose
- sodium
- cholesterol
- total white blood cell count
- vitamin C
- total serum protein
- hemoglobin.

Deep Organ and Joint Stimulation

Various studies revealed that yoga exercises are extremely effective at increasing joint flexibility, and at lubricating and strengthening the joints, ligaments and tendons. Another interesting finding is that yoga is one of the very few f...more

Messenger Yoga Mat