Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The Proper Way To Swing A Golf Club

Often when you first start playing golf you will find it extremely difficult to get your golf swing right. You may well find that even though your swing looks right you are still having difficult in getting your golf score down. This is because often you have not spent enough time in learning about the proper way to swing a golf club. Certainly a lot of golfers are mistaken that just because their swing looks good then they will be much more successful at playing the game. Even if your swing does look good it does not mean that you have actually learnt the right or proper way in which it should be swung. In fact when it comes to swinging your golf club correctly you may well find that it takes you a long time to master this particular skill.

Below we provide some tips which should help you to learn about how to swing your golf club properly and this may well help to take a few shots of your overall golf score next time you play.

The first thing that you can do in order to improve the way you swing your golf club is to look at the way you grip the club and then start to improve it. Often a lot of players who have taken up golf as a hobby will forget about the way in which they are actually gripping the club in their hands. It does not matter what kind of grip it is that you use (whether it be intertwined or over lapped) you need to make sure that the pressure you are placing on the club handle is neither to tight or loose. Also make sure that you are gripping the handle with your hand rather than just your fingers and that your wrists remain relaxed at all times, but neither should they be loose.

As well as looking at the ways your hands are gripping the club you should look carefully at the way you stand. Your stance and your body should at all times be level with your feet and these should be far enough apart in order to provide you with a good level of balance yet you should still feel comfortable whilst stood in this position.

As for when you go into the back swing position (where you take the club up and behind your head) it is important that this is relaxed and your arms are in a position which is level with the grass under your feet. Generally your club should be held in a position of around 90 degrees.

Above we have looked at some of things that can help to ensure that you learn the proper way to swing a golf club. But even using these will not help to improve it overnight, in fact it may take weeks, months even years before you are actually swinging your golf club in the correct manner.

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Yoga Mat Mesh


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