Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Mini Tummy Tuck - What Kind Of Procedure Is It?

The correct term for tummy tuck is abdomioplasty. This procedure will remove any extra skin and fat from your midsection and will tighten the muscles of your abdominals while they are in there. The results you can expect from a tummy tuck are a tummy that will be flatter, smoother and tighter. When you have a mini tummy tuck, you will be ready to show off the results to the world.

A mini tummy tuck is for those who want to flatten the area of their lower abdominals. It is also recommended that if you within 10 percent of your ideal weight for your body type, this is a less invasive procedure and the mini tummy tuck can be done on an out patient basis. For those who choose the full tummy tuck, it will involve an incision that goes around your navel and across the lower part of your abdomen.

When you choose to have a mini tummy tuck, your belly button will be left intact and you will need a smaller incision. Many times liposuction is performed while you are undergoing a mini tummy tuck. It is the best time to get the maximum benefits from both a mini tummy tuck and liposuction.

If you weigh more than 20% of your ideal weight, you will be more likely to be a candidate for a full tummy tuck procedure. If you plan to loose a lot of weight, or intend to have more children, any procedure whether a mini tummy tuck, or a full on tummy tuck should be postponed.

There isnt a woman who has given birth that wouldnt give their left arm up to have a mini tummy tuck. After you give birth to several children, the body your husband fell in love with stayed in the hospital with the first placenta. It is not always enough to exercise and eat right. Sometimes you need a little boost and a mini tummy tuck may be just the boost you need.

So get out there and start asking your friends who you suspect have had a little work done. It always is a good idea to see the finished product on many others before you put your faith in a cosmetic surgeon.

For more information about Mini Tummy Tuck, feel free to visit us at: www.about-tummy-tucks.info/Articles/Mini_Tummy_Tuck.php

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